
Showing posts from September, 2017

Canarytokens' new member: AWS API key Canarytoken

This is the fourth post in a series highlighting bits from our recent BlackHat USA 2017 talk. An index of all the posts in the series is  here . Introduction In this blog post, we will introduce you to the newest member of our Canarytoken’s family, the Amazon Web Services API key token. This new Canarytoken allows you to sprinkle AWS API keys around and then notifies you when they are used . (If you stick around to the end, we will also share some of the details behind how we built it). Background Amazon Web Services offers a massive range of services that are easily integratable with each other. This encourages companies to build entire products and product pipelines using the AWS suite. In order to automate and manipulate AWS services using their API, we are given access keys which can be restricted by AWS policies. Access keys are defined on a per user basis which means there are a few moving parts in order to lock down an AWS account securely. Take it for a spin - using an AWS ...

Farseeing: a look at BeyondCorp

This is the third post in a series highlighting bits from our recent BlackHat USA 2017 talk. An index of all the posts in the series is here . Introduction In our BlackHat talk, " Fighting the Previous War ", we showed how attacks against cloud services and cloud-native companies are still in their nascent stages of evolution. The number of known attacks against AWS is small, which is at odds with the huge number (and complexity) of services available. It's not a deep insight to argue that the number of classes of cloud specific attacks will rise. However, the "previous war" doesn't just refer to cloud stuff. While our talk primarily dealt with cloud services, we also spent some time on another recent development, Google's BeyondCorp. In the end, the results weren't exciting enough to include fully in the talk and so we cut slides from the presentation, but the original slides are in the PDF linked above. In this post we'll provide our view on wh...