Good Pain vs. Bad Pain
aka: You know it’s supposed to hurt, you just don’t know which kind of hurt is the good kind One of the common problems when people start lifting weights (or doing CrossFit) is that they inadvertently overdo it. Why don’t they stop when it hurts? Because everyone knows it’s supposed to hurt. Hypertrophy is the goal, so the pain is part of the deal... right? Pain, Guaranteed In an old interview on the rise of Twitter, Ev Williams said something really interesting: in pursuit of the fabled startup we’ve gotten so used to praising the entrepreneurial struggle, and so often repeat the myth of the starving entrepreneur, that people tolerate the pain of a bad/unviable idea longer than they should. He said that seeing Twitter go viral, made it clearer how Odeo hadn’t. When Twitter took off, he just about said: “So this is what traction feels like.” This is an interesting problem. The cult of entrepreneurship is strong and there’s no shortage of glib one-liners pumping people up to worship the...