If i run your software, can you hack me?
In our previous post ( Are Canaries Secure? ) we showed (some of) the steps we’ve taken to harden Canary and limit the blast radius from a potential Canary compromise. Colloquially, that post aimed to answer the question: “are Canaries Secure?” This post aims at another question that pops up periodically: “If I run your Canaries on my network, can you use them to hack me?” This answer is a little more complicated than the first, as there is some nuance. (Because my brutally honest answer is: “yeah… probably”.) But this isn’t because Canary gives us special access, it’s true because most of your other vendors can too.If you run software with an auto update facility (and face it, it’s the gold standard for updates these days), then the main thing stopping that vendor from using that software to gain a foothold on your network is a combination of that vendor's imagination, ethics, or discomfort with the size of jail cells. It may not be a comfortable fact, but fact remains true with ...